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Cookies on the Thomas Cook Group site

How cookies are used on this site

The use of cookies on the Thomas Cook Group website are used but nothing to personalise and advance your visit when navigating the site with us. The cookies on the Thomas Cook Group site are only used for that, your data is completely safe on this site. Cookies save and store data from a user who visits a website. Cookies are small text files that can contain any kind of data about users. These scripts are saved on your browser, and every time you go back to the same website, they'll remember your preferences. Cookies can also store your login information, so, for the next time that you visit the Thomas Cook website, and you've made an account, your account and information shall be remembered and you will not have to login to the site more than one time again, unless you clear your cookies from your settings.

Accessibility on the Thomas Cook Group website

Website accessibility is a small struggle on the Thomas Cook Group website due to limitations with design and how the website was created. If you are having multiple issues accessing the website, or, can not see parts of this website, please make sure you contact us on our X account or contact us by gmail. It would also be great if you could provide photographic evidence to explain the troubles that you have on the website and show us where it exactly went wrong, so we can start to handle a fix. Accessibility is very important for the Thomas Cook Group site as we want everyone to be able to access our site, so, when there is a problem on this website, we do appreciate it when people come forward and tell us what exactly the problem is and where it occured or what page it happened on so we can get right to fixing it.

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